Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lesson Learned

For the last several months I had begun to have the desire to go back to work part time. It wasn't so much that I felt like we needed the money...although that wouldn't was more of a desire to work outside the home. Well, an opportunity presented itself in December. My FIL had a part time secretary that needed to go on a leave of absence for a few months. She only works on Mondays and Wednesdays and the pay is pretty good. I talked to Neal about it and we thought we could make it work since it is temporary. I started the week before Christmas and it's going pretty well. It's an easy job...doing a bit of computer work and answering telephones. If I need to take the kids with me I can (I did take Ben last Wednesday). I really do enjoy it...BUT I'm ready for it to end already. Even though it's only two days a week, I miss my kids! I'll gladly finish out the time, but I won't be sad when his real secretary says she's ready to come back!

So, what am I doing with my extra $$$? I'm buying a gas log fireplace! I've already purchased the mantel and it's in place in our living room. I'll have to post some pictures of it. Next I'll save up for the firebox and logs. Then I'll have to save up for the propane tank. I'm about halfway there for the box and logs, but I don't foresee us warming our toes by the fire this winter!


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

It sounds like the lesson learned will prove far more valuable than the fireplace! And when you warm your toesies NEXT winter, you'll be reminded again what a true blessing it is to be home with the kidlets all the time.

I for one need that reminder at times too. Not that I would ever consider even working part-time (I barely get, okay don't get everything done being home full-time!) but there have been moments where I have wanted to escape. Even for a moment or weekend...

JM said...

As I read your post I could read myself. I worked for a time when Stanley was 2-3. When I was there all I could think about was what he might be doing. I get too much guilt over it. I guess it's ok for some, but it's not for me at all. (I'll try to remind myself of that when the payment comes due for 2 kids in Summer Intensives this year.)

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."