Friday, March 14, 2008

It's 4:45 am

and unfortunately I'm wide awake. I'm not surprised though...yesterday was one crazy, emotional day.

Yesterday was a day that I guess will change our lives around here forever.

I'll back up a bit. Just over a year ago, my husband Neal was having chest pains and went to the ER. Long story short, they don't know what caused the chest pains, but after much testing told him they needed to keep a closer eye on his bicuspid aortic valve (something he was born with). So two weeks ago he went for his yearly check-up with the cardiologist. The doctor did an echo cardiogram and said his aorta was a little big and he'd like to get a better look at it with an MRI. On Monday, March 3rd he had the MRI. The doctor told him he'd only contact him if there was a problem. When over a week had passed, we figured there was no problem and started putting it out of our minds.

Yesterday the doctor called...

It seems the MRI showed a much clearer picture. His aorta is over double in size of what it should be, and needs to be replaced. Now I don't pretend to know very much about the heart or about his condition, I'm still learning, so I may make mistakes in some of the information I give. I'll correct myself along the way if I do. But what I understand right now is that the problem is in the ascending aorta which is the main artery that pumps the blood through the heart. The doctor said while they are in there they should go ahead and replace his defective aortic valve, as well. That makes good sense, so that he has one less major surgery to deal with.

We will go to see the surgeon on Thursday of next week (3/20). We're figuring the surgery will be within the next few weeks.

The kids are handling it well, so far. It was difficult when we told them...scary for them! They truly do have such comfort in knowing that God is in control though! They were cute last night...not wanting their daddy to do anything for himself. They'll probably have a tough time this weekend. He has some things he really wants to get done before his surgery, such as planting spinach in the garden. He said he won't be able to do anything for a while, so he needs to get things done now. That's fine...just nothing strenuous!

Thank you to all who are praying. We know Who holds our future, and I can't imagine going through life without Christ to hang onto!


JM said...


Thanks for letting me know about this. I don't get around blogs much anymore so I hadn't read it. We will definitely be praying for you guys.


VaQueenBee said...

Thank you, Sara!

Theresa said...

Teresa, this is scary, but I am so glad we live in a day and age where God has allowed the technology to do some of these things. Thank you for sharing on here and we will definitely be praying. We understand in small ways...daughter J was born with a hole in her heart and murmur which praise God, resolved without surgery and my Husband has Graves' Disease which presented with atrial fibrillation and heart rate of 220. Three scary trips by ambulance and it resolved after having his thyroid radioactively removed. I lay with my head on his chest and my hand on his heart and prayed. Even though it was scary, we felt buoyed by prayers and we could see God working in all the circumstances. I am praying the same for you and your husband.

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."