Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Getting Back to "Normal"

Things are starting to get back to normal around here -- except Neal's home all day. That's a nice change for me!

We started back to school on Monday. It's been nice having a routine again.

The kids had 4-H last night, and that went well. While we were there, the Gray family gave us supper for tonight...Fiesta Chicken Rolls. We can't wait to try them! On the way home Ben got a "whiff" of the meal. I told him to be careful with the container so that it didn't accidentally open and spill out. He said, "if that happened the smell would leak out and the world would be at peace." LOL He can't wait until supper tonight!

Neal has a few prayer requests that I'd like to share:

1. It's allergy season and Neal hasn't sneezed once since his surgery. He's praying that it will continue to hold off, and that he will not sneeze for a few weeks. It hurts bad enough to cough, he can't imagine what it would feel like to sneeze.

2. Please pray that he will be able to come off of the Coumadin in about 4 to 5 weeks like they say he will. For some reason he has a fear that he may have to continue taking them longer.

3. (this one's from me) Please pray that Neal will be able to sleep in our bed again soon. He is still having to sleep in the recliner and it's really wearing on him. One or two nights is fine, but he's now at two weeks.

Thank you for your prayers!

Well, I'd better get back to school. Math is calling!

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Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."