Saturday, April 28, 2007

Love Thy Sibling Day

My children are Perfect! They get along with each other 100% of the time! Their number one goal in life is to serve others. They see who can "out do" the other with kindness and good deeds ... with all humbleness, of course! They always put the other first, and they never say unkind words to each other or try to get the other in trouble. They are just....well....PERFECT!


Phew! That was just a dream! LOL No, I don't want perfect children, but it would be nice not to have mornings like yesterday morning! Bicker, bicker, bicker! I would have thought they'd gotten out of bed on the wrong side if their bed wasn't pushed up against the wall! Man, what is that all about!

Anyway, by about 4:00 in the afternoon, I'd "had enough!" And a somewhat recent blog by my friend, Perri came to mind. You can check hers out Here. She had a Love Thy Brother day with two of her boys. Well, since I have a boy and a girl I decided to have a Love Thy Sibling Day. :o) I didn't take it quite as far as Perri did with making them hold hands, but they did have to do everything together the rest of the day (except private bathroom issues -- and yes, Beth did ask if she could stay in the bathroom the rest of the evening!) They played the computer together, did chores together, played ball together (which, of course, works well), ate together, etc. Here are a couple of pictures that show how thrilled they were with the evening:

Here's Beth's reaction:

Here's Ben's:

And here's Suzi's:

I don't know if she's laughing or yawning!

Actually, the kids ended up having fun the rest of the night. It sure made for a more pleasant evening for me!


Heidi Kellems said...

I so much want to do that with my foster daughter and son. All they do is squabble. Handcuffs and handholding are forbidden unfortunately (snicker snicker).

Unknown said...

What a fun idea! At least for you... Honestly, I think I would have a hard time making them last the whole day long. But then again, they do get along and do most things together anyway. Even though they are fighting and laughing at the same time right now... Weird.

Perri said...

That Perri is one smart cookie. Holding hands makes it even more "fun" though!

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."